Erika's Blog!

August 27, 2024

Hey yall! I wanted to kick things off by talking about my motivation for making this. Put simply, I've hated modern internet for a while as someone who hasn't really existed as a sentient being without it, and then I stumbled upon this video. It sounded amazing and so here I am. (I actually only saw that video this morning.) I love connecting with people and all the awesome possibilities that the internet brings but instead it gets used to commercialize human interaction. I feel like that's a common theme along the internet: some incredible technology is discovered and, rather than use it to better everyone's lives, tech companies use it to make everyone else's life worse. AI could've been used to eliminate manual labor so that humans could all have the opportunity to explore art, but instead it's used to eliminate art so that humans have to pursue a 9-5. When I heard about a sector of the internet away from algorithms and ads that was just focused on authenticity and personality, I knew I had to at least give it a shot. So, hi! I'm Erika, and this is the SoapB0XX! (it's like soapbox but also a reference to the b0xx controller) (not a hax$ fan btw I just like ergonomics) (I don't even use that specific rectangle I promise i'm on a rana tadpole)